Ive only been working at this store for a week now but thats given me plenty of time to view the spending habits of Americas average consumer...at least for this store. Ive noticed in that time that...other than coming in to pay for the gas...there are 3 top ten items that are almost ALWAYS bought when someone comes in...can anyone guess what the top 3rd item is...alcohol and cigarettes are the top 2 (other than gas)...whats number 3? I will wait to give you time to make some guesses...then edit this post with the answer and more ranting..I mean editorial...lol. Have fun!!
So...there you have. Energy drinks are apparently all the rage now. Ive served everyone from young kids to the elderly buying a myriad assortment of expensive and very large containers of caffeine in a can.
Which makes me wonder...why are "we" so darn tired that we now find we need a pick me up of such monstrous proportions? Little kids are buying them at night...shouldn't they be in bed asleep? The elderly are buying them mostly in the mornings...are they finding it hard to stay awake during the days? Long haul drivers are buying them in 6 packs..which is scary all by itself...you have to sleep sometime people...those jack knifed rigs on the highways aren't purely accidental if you haven't slept in 3 days and flying high on Redbull or something.
I would assume that our high tech world is keeping us awake when we ordinarily would b sleeping. Surfing the net, playing PS3, texting and chatting and and and...in order to stay awake for our entertainment beyond our bodies intended capacity...we need our "fix"...and here's the solution. Energy Drinks.
In my opinion...they shouldn't be sold to children just like alcohol and cigarettes...I drank one small energy drink several years ago...could NOT literally close my eyes for 3 days. I was a zombie on auto mode. Never again. I don't know how these regular drinkers do it. It obviously CANNOT be good for you in such large doses...nearly everyday.
One solution...people need to get their required sleep and turn off whatever the heck it is keeping them awake...and a age limit needs to be put on them...they should be considered harmful in my opinion.
Thanks for all the guesses...no lottery here...condoms are in the bathrooms...haven't seen any porn mags under the counter or anything but I will give it a closer check just to make sure....purely for research purposes....lol.
Lottery tickets, of course!
Lottery tickets?
Although I'd choose doughnuts. ;)
Gum? Soda? Condoms?
Bottled water?
gum.or candy.
lottery tickets?
Or candy?
hmmm, is it a regional thing perhaps? What kind of gas station/store? It's rare to find a gas station that sells alcohol. Don't drink and drive eh? lol
Ok, I'm going to guess Slurpee/Big Gulp type beverage purchase.
I would say candy or chocolate.
lemme guess condoms...
apologies for being crude
Is it Gum?
ummm tampons =P
lol idk im hopeing its something hillariouse :D
I'm thinking lottery tickets.
I'll go with condoms.
Worldwide, sex and guns are what sells (weapons trade I think is number one, prostitution etc. is number two). So if shotgun shells/bullets can be sold legally at your store, that would be my first guess. Second guess would be soft-porn magazines (hard porn is probably illegal). Condoms suggest taking personal responsibility for sexual behavior, so I doubt that's the best seller.
Final answer: you're in the land of Dick Cheney, right? Gotta be bullets/shotgun shells.
ummm... It has to be either condoms or lottery tickets.
I'm going to go with lottery tickets, it seems like every time I stop in to buy a soda or coffee I see someone buying some.
Coffee! That's a coffee drinkers guess. :-)
i cant think of a better than those already given.
yeah, could be lottery tickets if your state has them, that is.
I don't think that a convenience store is a good indicator of what the "average american consumer" purchases...since those stores are used mainly to bu, quick and easy crap (i.e. cigarettes, beer, candy, coffee, and lottery tickets).
But...I'm gonna guess lottery tickets.
I'm going to guess....milk.
Did you get home???
Porn magz, condoms or lottery tickets :) No more suspense please!
I notice that people here usually pay for their gas and get cigarettes and lottery tickets. Beer too... but we have another store for alcohol too so it might not be the top-top for us. So I'd go with lottery tickets!
What I always buy is milk.
Can I win with my Big Gulp guess? How about if it is Big Gulp full of Mountain Dew?
Wow! I am always looking for ways to boost my energy level, but I would never in a million years have guessed energy drinks.
Those energy drinks are full of cancer-causing chemicals. Red Bull is already banned in some countries. My daughter drinks them occasionally and I tell her, "Drink 'em while you can, because they're the next thing to be banned." Can't figure out why the FDA doesn't just wipe them all out. Mixing energy drinks with liquor (too much high with too much low) has been fatal in some cases in young people.
Those energy drinks are so loaded with sugar as well as caffeine. YUCK! I tried one once with vodka and cranberry. Absolutely horrible and it made me sick. I'll stick to water and coffee thank you. haha
O.H. I totally agree. They are dangerous merely by keeping your body running on high octane long after it should have naturally shut down. Sort of like illegal drugs...right? Should be banned far as Im concerned.
You know I had the feeling that could be energy drinks...this summer I was in the US and each time I stop for gas I saw energy drinks near the cashiers...Sometimes i drink a bud to give a boost of energy you really need it when you work in a shop during Xmas time
Coolred--we expect a full research report on the porn mags.
Countrygil--if you are my paesana please send me an email to:
chiaraazlinquestion AT yahoo.com
I have a translation question. Grazie!
Ok. I know I'm off topic, but on your tweet I thought I saw you considering training for a better job. I'd look into medical. A younger relative of mine took a year to become a surgical tech- and had no problem finding a job. That may be too gory for you but what about an x-ray tech or some such? Medial billing?
I totally agree with Sandy, go Medical or go Green. Medical is quicker and more of a guarantee though. There will ALWAYS be a need there.
This doesn't surprise me. It's like that here in Canada too (although you can't get alcohol at a convenience store here). Half of the fridges seem to be energy drinks!! I had one once, I thought it was gross and I haven't had one since. I really don't see the appeal of these things.
country girl...should have put your guess down...always nice to go with your first choice..usually right.
San Antonio...we actually dont sell too much coffee, which is strange...what happened to Americans being big coffee drinkers...or is it only specialty coffees these days?
Chiara...I checked...nothing. Looked way in the back of the shelves under the register...alas...a few outdated calendars...of the landscape kind...not even a swimsuit issue to be found.
Sandy...thank you for the tip.
Queen...thanks for the second vote for medical..lol.
Mel..I agree..no thanks.
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