Monday, July 30, 2007

Rant revisited

I was cruising the blog highway last nite and was amazed at how many diverse blogs people had come up with....but basically nothing of substance. All play and no sex sex every third blog and now and then something in Japanese that looked interesting but complete Swahili...or rather Japanese. Before I knew it an hour had passed and I hadnt come across a single other Muslim, at least not by obvious reference, in all those blogs. Where are you my fellow sisters and brothers? No time for the net, too busy praying and fasting and worshipping God to get on here and air your personal thoughts and feelings concerning life as a Muslim? I would actually mean that if I ...well actually meant that...but I know who you are and I know what your doing....and most likely its not praying, fasting, and worshipping the One Supreme Being....unless of course that One Supreme Being is the big screen tv that shows the latest Hollywood blockbusters or strangest addition to the Reality TV family....that we have time for.

Non muslims claim we are the silent majority when it comes to Islamic issues and troubles...the few fundamentalists are running around the globe blowing up this and that ....shouting Allahu Akbar and claiming God is on their side....while the nightly news gets close ups of carnage and grief these radicals leave behind...and Islam gets kicked in the ass again as being the least peaceful religion on the planet today...same ol same ol and life goes on. All the while the vast majority of Muslims will shake their heads in sympathy for the latest victims of terrorism...silently thank God they didnt live anywhere near there and then loudly proclaim.."well those are not Muslims and they are going to Hell" with a self satisfied smile and superior air of inner Muslim Holiness. Completely forgetting that our Jihad...the correct Jihad and not the screaming headlines of newspapers everywhere associating Jihad with Holy War and giving religious backing to terrorist everywhere....our Jihad my fellow sisters and to stand up, clear our throats, make sure we got a good feed on the microphone not to mention a good tv station promoting us...and LOUDLY claim that that is not Islam....those are not Muslims....we got to do it publicly and with a larger than large audience cause the terrorist got the whole globe as an audience and we got squat...nobody is interested in moderate muslims and talks about peace and coexisting with the rest of the is business and blood and carnage equals viewers equals money money money......wish I had a dollar for every time the word terrorism and muslim or Islam was used in the same sentence...ahh the rich life...oops I digress....silence means I correct? Terrorists go and blow up some building....scores of people dead....national security alert goes up to yellow, red orange...some damn color of the rainbow....and muslims the world over are all labeled either terrorists or terrorists supporters in one fail swoop. And what do the majority of us peaceful living minding our own business Muslims do about it?.....some us duck our heads in shame and loathe to claim that we are Muslim...others proclaim terrorists not really Muslims and wash their hands of the whole sorry deal while others blame american policy concerning Middle East affairs and give a hint that the terrorists do have a legitimate gripe and could possibly be right...just "a little" extreme in how they express themselves...others are just silent about it all hoping someone else will take charge and set the record straight. Dont hold your breath on that....the people "in charge" of Islam today...the Muslims in authority of Islam today do not have your best interest at not have Islams best interest at not give a squiggly fig about Gods "real message of peace" as prescribed in the Quran...once again its all money money money to the sound of oil barrels being loaded on to the nearest tanker in the Gulf...Ka ching! Lets all bow our heads and pray to the almighty dollar that has more devout worshippers and followers than any other single diety in the history of man...can you say Amen? I knew that you could!!!

Islam is peace...peace is Islam. We've heard it all before....we Muslims say it several times a day no doubt when talking about the world and the trouble its in....peace peace peace....comes out of the mouth rather nicely doesnt it? Islam means alot of things....but it doesnt mean squat without followers willing to walk the walk and talk the talk....who cares if it "means" peace when daily we are seeing bloodshed across the globe in which Islam is used as the excuse....Islam makes the bombs...Islam drives the cars loaded with bombs....Islam carries the backpacks that hide the bombs....and Islam pulls the trigger....the rest you can figure out for yourselves....Islam Islam that does indeed roll of the tongue ever so sweetly...makes me shiver just saying it....but it also makes me angry...makes my blood boil....makes me want to seek out and do a one on one with the nearest long bearded. short thobed, wild eyed, Allahu Akbar chanting, hadith hurling murderer that dares call himself a Muslim, dares considers himself a servant of God, dares considers himself a voice of the Muslim population and a defender of Islam moral principles ....I want to find one of these men and thump him upside the head with my beloved copy of the Holy Quran.....the one book he probably hasnt spent much time with other then to memorize for prayer....memorize does not equal understanding...nuff said!.....until tomorrow...salams.

Feel like venting without

Having been a muslim now for 17 years I am deeply and soul weeping upset over the state of Islam today. It makes me cry inside and out when I watch the paper...listen to other muslims apologize and make excuses for what the "not really muslims" are doing around the globe. Reality check my fellow muslims....those "not really muslims" are who we are all being judged by....the paintbrush that coats us all is plunged daily into a deep bucket of Crimson Red Terrorism or Placid Green Indifference.....while the bucket of Not in My Name Electric Blue is gathering dust at the back of the shelf.

I want to scream and stamp my feet and shout at the nearest Mrs Muslim Shopping Diva whose only quest for spiritual enlightment can be found at a good sale at Marks and Spencers or Mr. Bearded Hajiman who will fight for his right to wed many tender young morsels but becomes bored when asked about the state of Islam today....if either one bothers to answer at all you get the same tired reply...."the western world is to blame for all our troubles"....or some variation there hoo and pass the kleenex....this does not explain the fact that the "western world" that we like to blame so easily has only been around a few hundred years while Islam/Muslims/Arabs have been around a little longer than that.....ok ok...I know what your thinking....why the Islam/Muslims/Arab thingy up there...its a hidden(not very well i might add) fact that unless you walk talk eat sleep dress pray chew call yourself Mohammed or Aisha sleep please your wife(s) and use the toilet just like the arabs do then, my fellow brothers and sisters, just aint a true God fearing are Arab lite and will never be a full fledged member of the Ummah no matter how pious you matter the mark of prayer on your matter that you give to charity and help those less fortunate so much that Mother Theresa sent you a "Wish I Was You" hallmark card....if your not Arab your not shit...just a Muslim Wannabe never a Muslim!

I know what does this have to do with the price of gahwa in Saudi...well not a whole lot...unless you live there and like gahwa...but it just irks me that incidentals mean alot more to muslims these days then the deeper more complex issues that make up the heart and soul of our religion. We protest our right to wear hijab(or rather our right to have it forced on us by our male members of our ummah in order for THEM to appear to be pious and God fearing...dont get me started on that) or we protest(with destruction and sometimes death) about cartoons or books that depict us or the prophet as less than God fearing(Islam is peaceful and I'll kill you if you claim otherwise) ...and yet where are the protest against terrorism in the Muslim world...where are the riots and bloodshed over Mullahs giving the thumbs up to carnage(albeit secretly or maybe with just a quick comment or excuse from the minbar at Friday prayer).....where where where are the peaceful rallies that spread rather than hinder the idea that Islam is peace and terrorist are just that ....terrorist...with no religious backing other than those that pray at the Alter of Male Ego, Pride, and Unlimited Excuses for Jihad?

Anyhow, this is just a start to my is unlimited and will remain so until peace in the Islamic world is a reality and not just a faded bumber sticker claiming so....salams to all